100% Job Oriented Digital Marketing Institute In Amritsar

Are you looking for..

100% Job-oriented digital marketing Institute in Amritsar

You have come to the right place. Learn how to build a solid digital marketing strategy & implement it on any business to grow its leads, sales & revenue. You will become an expert digital marketer in 6 Months with our smooth learning path.

Book Your Free Demo Class With Us

Over the past 5 years, we have trained more than 233+ students with
 99.99% satisfaction ratio

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18 LPA

Salary Package


9 Lakh +

jobs in India


30 lakh +

Remote Jobs


18 LPA

Billions (USD)
on Advertising


18 LPA

Salary Package

Our training programs are especially designed for 10th/12th passed students, college & university students, marketing professionals, small business owners & housewives to get their 1st job in IT sector

Recent Digital Marketing Students

Some of our past students who have successfully completed their digital marketing coaching with 100% practical training. If you are interested, contact us today to book your free demo class.

You can also become an expert digital marketer

If You have zero knowledge in digital marketing, You don’t have to worry about it. Our expert

 trainers will help you become you a job ready digital marketer. After our certification programs,

you will be able to get your first job in IT sector.

About us

Top Rated Digital Marketing Institute In Amritsar

We are the leading digital marketing & graphic design coaching institute in Amritsar (Punjab) established in 2020.

Our coaching programs are designed for professionals, 12th class students, college students, business owners, marketing professionals & jobseekers at affordable fees.

n our detailed digital marketing certification program, you will become master on WordPress, SEO, PPC / Google Ads, SMM / Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Lead Generation, Blogging, Copywriting, CRO, Lead Generation, Canva Pro etc. 

In our detailed, practical & 100% agency based graphic design certification program, you will become a master in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, CorelDRAW, Adobe Premiere Pro etc. These software are very popular design tools, using by top agencies worldwide to make stunning creatives for clients..

Do you know ?

Naukri, Indeed, Monsterindia, Amazon Jobs, LinkedIn & Angel List reveal that there are over 5,00,000+ open

 onsite & remote IT jobs available in 2024 (only in India). Don’t miss this opportunity.

Our Coaching Program

We offer 100% job oriented courses to our candidates, that will help you get your 1st job in IT

companies at good salary packages.


Digital Marketing

Become an expert digital 

marketer with our 100% job 

oriented digital marketing certification program

Digital Marketing

Become an expert digital 

marketer with our 100% job 

oriented digital marketing certification program

Digital Marketing

Become an expert digital 

marketer with our 100% job 

oriented digital marketing certification program

Digital Marketing

Become an expert digital 

marketer with our 100% job 

oriented digital marketing certification program

Digital Marketing

Become an expert digital 

marketer with our 100% job 

oriented digital marketing certification program

Digital Marketing

Become an expert digital 

marketer with our 100% job 

oriented digital marketing certification program


Digital Marketing

Become an expert digital 

marketer with our 100% job 

oriented digital marketing certification program

Book Your Free
Demo Class

Want to become a master in digital marketing with generative AI? Contact us now…


Companies are paying good salary packages 

After completing your desired training program, You will be able to apply for below onsite or remote jobs via

 Indeed, Naukri, Shine, Monster India, LinkedIn etc. Don’t miss this insane opportunity. 

Average Salary of Digital Marketing Employee
According to Payscale, Glassdoor, Indeed, Naukri & Monsterindia – An average salary of digital marketing
 employee are as follows.

Digital Marketer

An average salary of digital marketing executive with 1+ years experience


Or ₹1,44,000 Per Annum

Digital Marketer

An average salary of digital marketing executive with 1+ years experience


Or ₹1,44,000 Per Annum

Digital Marketer

An average salary of digital marketing executive with 1+ years experience


Or ₹1,44,000 Per Annum

Digital Marketer

An average salary of digital marketing executive with 1+ years experience


Or ₹1,44,000 Per Annum

Digital Marketer

An average salary of digital marketing executive with 1+ years experience


Or ₹1,44,000 Per Annum

Digital Marketer

An average salary of digital marketing executive with 1+ years experience


Or ₹1,44,000 Per Annum

Please Note (T&C Apply)

The above mentioned salaries are based on in-depth online research according to popular job portals 
2024. It doesn't guaranteed, you will earn the same amount with this skill. It can be increased or
 decreased as depends upon your efforts & hard work.

Become a job ready digital marketer today 
What are you waiting for? Join this high demand digital marketing field, become a master in digital marketing & get hired as online marketing expert in IT companies. After completing your internet marketing coaching, you will be able to:

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